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FINAL SECURE REGULATIONS ON RMDS ISSUED! Compare to proposed SECURE regulations published 2/24/22. Eff. 1/1/20, SECURE Act eliminates the "stretch" payout option for most beneficiaries of retirement accounts other than disabled/"chronically ill" people and certain trusts for their benefit, for minors, and for spouses. See text of SECURE (sec. 401 has changes, 501 has "fix" to kiddee tax) and "SECURE 2.0" adopted 12/2022 (136 Stat.5275). Note that RMDs are requred if a deceased owner was past the required beginning date, but computed on beneficiary's life expectancy using beneficiary tables, until Dec 31 of the year that has the 10th anniversary of the owner's death, in which case full payout required with the above exceptions.
HUD issues Notice H 2024-09 extending until July 1, 2025 the deadline for comply with the FINAL RULES issued for subsidized housing, 88 Fed. Reg. 9600, implementing "HOTMA" asset limit in HOTMA sec. 104 and clarifying treatment of income. Self-certification allowed for assets under $50,000, income only imputed to amounts over $50,000. Distributions from trusts only income if they include the trust's income. Irrevocable (and revocable) trusts that are not controlled by someone in the household are not assets, although revocable trust income counted as income. Proceeds of litigation that cause the resident to be disabled are excluded as are retirement accounts. Otherwise, $100,000 ASSET LIMIT and ownership of real estate that couuld be a home also prohibited. TBD what happens if someone transfers the excess assets to a revocable trust with non-household-member trustee, many think this works. Housing Authorities may be implementing already, private contractors (Carabetta) maybe not yet.
FINAL SSI RULE EXCLUDING "FOOD" FROM THE DEFINITION OF "IN-KIND SUPPORT AND MAINTENANCE" eff 9/30/24 - in other words, it is OK to buy foood for someone on SSI, or for a trustee to purchase food for such a persn (assuming trust document allows it), and if a person on SSI lives at home, then unless the person receives ALL MEALS as well, then rather than having benefit reduced by a flat 1/3 SSI (the VTR rule), instead, SSA will determine actual value, capped at the 1/3 SSI + 20 -- and in CT this OUGHT to mean that if the person pays rent equal to 1/3 x SSI + 20 ($335), there is no reduction. That's my quick reading but check the details of the Federal Register text. To be continued. ALSO if anyone else is on SNAP etc. assumed separate meals.
PA 22-118 secs. 449-458, 518, eff 7/1/22: NO MORE RECOVERY AT ALL -no liens on real estate-- no claims on inheritances - no claims on estates - no claims on litigation - EXCEPT (1) for some incarcerated persons (with expanded exceptions including homestead property), (2) where REQUIRED by federal law (institutional/waiver services for Medicaid) (recovered from decedent estates only), accident-related medicals recovered through litigation; (3) child support. NOTE - PA 24-81 sec.25-35: Eff. 7/1/24: no more recovery for DMR/DMHAS. PA 21-2 (SS) is now old news -- forget it -- except for a few tweaks to the DAS 4a-16 certificate used to take over administration of a small estate under sec. 454. Ditto PA 21-3. However, under 42 U.S.C. 1396k accident-related medicals still recovered (but see federal cases). Statutes say 'except as requried by federal law," so FYI the federal law on recovery that makes clear it's only REQUIRED from decedemt's estates and only for institutional care: 42 U.S.C. Sec. 1396p(b). NOTE: DAS MAY STILL TRY TO FILE A CLAIM FOR SERVICES THAT TURN OUTTO BE STATE-FUNDED (NONRECOVERABLE) HOME CARE FOR ELDERS, AND OTHER THINGS, IMPORTANT TO CHALLENGE / INSPECT ALL DAS CLAIMS AGAINST ESTATES. ALSO: under federal law, no estate recovery for ANY Medicaid if there is a living surviving spouse, or if decedent survived by disabled child or child under 21. (Not applicable to special needs trusts with a "payback" clause requiring reimbursement of all Medicaid from the trust upon beneficiary's death.)
Minimum community spouse protected amount increased to $50,000 eff. 7/1/22 (PA 22-118 sec. 253); DSS required to honor/comply with probate court orders eff. 10/1/22.PA 22-112
COVID-19 changed a lot now expired but still relevant when reviewing what was done. Public in 2020-2021. Most has "end of Public Health Emergency" at which point Medicaid autorenewals stop. Governor's Executive Order 7Q authorized: (1) Emergency expires 4/1/23 remote witnessing of wills if execution is supervised by a lawyer; (3) removing witness requirements for notarization; (2) remote documents -- subject to sometimes tricky requirements. Check, Long-Term Care Community "requiring a notarial act" Coalition's the CMS Coronavirus alert page, the page for Gov. Lamont's Executive Orders and the page for Coronavirus page, LTCF data.
CTElderDiscussion listserv MOVED to If you are already subscribed, you are subscribed to the new list. If not, and you want to join, send an email to or The group is restricted and you will have to agree to the terms before being subscribed.
Mandatory probate e-filing eff 2/1/2020. Probate fees eff. 1/1/16 - $40,000 cap, 0.5% on excess over $2 M. Link to computation of fees using new tables (official or mine); note that most conservatorship petition fees are $250 except $150 to request release of funds from restricted account. WARNING to out-of-state residents: if assets are probated in CT, then unless the proceeding is "ancillary" to a probate proceeding in the home state, the court's fee will be computed as if the person were domiciliary -- that is based on EVERYTHING.
Note: This information is maintained to benefit the elderly in Connecticut and nationwide by providing a resource to attorneys, caregivers, and others assisting the elderly. However, accuracy and currency are not guaranteed. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK.
Please report changes, errors, and suggestions to Lisa Davis. Thanks.
= relatively new addition to this page
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Links to CBA section sites may require login using a CBA login and password unless you have already logged in
APPLICATIONS and PLANNING TOOLS - (DSS forms are in large PDF files due to shading) NOTE: DSS is putting more forms on its website, although not usually in fillable form. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() NOTE: For SNF, submit to one of 3 regional offices; for home care submit to Hartford (South Windsor) PLUS filing W-1487 with the access agency. Provide as much documentation as possible. READ MEMO. For state supp., use W-1LTSS and read memo on which office to file with. For redeterminations still send to DSS Scanning Center, PO Box 1320, Manchester CT 06045-9968. If mailing LTC app to theregions, send certified mail and follow up! Spousal Assessment W-1-SA (which you need PLUS W-1487 to get a snapshot date and spousal assessment PRIOR to eligibility...- made FILLABLE by Steve Keogh W-1487 CHCPE Home Care request form (PDF) and Word- link to DSS site (can also apply online W-1540 and other ANNUITY FORMS (thanks Joe Cipparone) Maximus "level of care" determination form for home care W-168 Verification List (PDF) W-1685 (rev 3/05) (fillable PDF) as of 2023 this is still current W-858 (legally liable relative form) (PDF) DSS "caretaker child" transfer of assets inquiry/response - SAMPLE (PDF) Disability determination forms W-300T19 ![]() You must be a member of PLAN to use their forms. Write me if you want to see the forms. W-1QMB (new 2010 QMB application form -- made fillable by me (PDF) or CHECK DSS site version - mail to scanning center, DSS ConneCT Scanning Center, PO Box 1320, Manchester, CT 06045-1320 W-1ER (recertification form) FILLABLE courtesy of Michele Ann Palulis - thanks NOTE THAT UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE, redeterminations must be mailed not faxed, to: DSS Scanning Center, PO Box 1320, Manchester CT 06045-9968. link to DSS version. If you don't respond at least 10-15 days BEFORE end of month you will still get a notice that you are being terminated even if they receive the materials on time. W-982 PCA-Waiver Request Form (made fillable, PDF) SEE: Pilot Guidelines (MS Word) W-1130 ABI Waiver Request Form (made fillable, PDF) or DSS W-1130 CHCPD (CT Home care for disabled) application (remember, only 100 slots all filled) (only for those not eligible for medicaid) W-979 Money Follows the Person Request Form (2009 form, PDF) or ONLINE APPLICATION for Money Follows the person -it would appear online is now the way to go. CONNECT page to create account and apply online for everything. CT SNAP manual ALLIED -- PCA /ABI provider application and other forms for those on this program Rev. 3/2022 Compute CSPA spreadsheet in Excel OR use online (INTERACTIVE) OR if the interactive doesn't work or you use Firefox, try the online-noi link. (don't forget "Family allowance" if applicant has a minor child -- computation not included!. UPDATE FIGURES! Compute value of Life Use spreadsheet in Excel 97(to age 100) (see also DSS table - PDF) Deb Tedford's "formula" for computing prudent gifting during look-back period. Excel or MS Word 2000 downloads. (BUT SEE transferee liability provisions) An historical footnote: DSS chart of AMCC and CSPA amounts from 1/91 to 7/08 ![]() ![]() ![]() |
STATUTES ![]() Search Findlaw's US Code (USE CAUTION - not always current) Search House of Rep's US Code (gives the date) Cornell's US Code Popular Name Table U.S. Code Title 42, Cornell U. version. View online entire Social Security Act (current to 12/20/19, showin top of Title 1) 1382b (Assets; part of SSI law) 1396r (Nursing Homes) 1396p (Liens and transfers) 1396k (Assignment of rights) 1396r-5 (MCCA) Title XVIII (Medicare) ![]() ![]() VA benefits: Title 38 in general Older Americans Act 42 U.S.C. 3001 et seq. (current to 1/1/06); see Older Americans Act Amendments of 2006 (PDF) and Older Americans Reauthorization Technical Corrections Act of 2007 (PDF). Patient Protection and Affordable
Care Act
(unofficial consolidated version prepared by House Office
of Legislative Counsel) -- as long as we still have
it....... |
(tax statutes are below under taxes) Entire Connecticut General Statutes 2023 compilation (it's compiled in odd years; there are supplements in the even years - not yet updated 2025) Search statutes and Public Acts On-line from the statutory compilation: 1-350 et seq. (Uniform Power of Attorney Act) (2017 version) OLD 1-42 et seq. (OLD Short Form Durable Power of Attorney) (2014 version) (included for purposes of construing older documents) 4a-16 (administration of estates of medicaid recipients by DSS) Title 12 (Taxes) Title 45a (Probate) including 45a-486 (trustbusting) Conservatorship statutes -- ![]() Title 17b (Social Services 17b-91(f) burial contract BUT SEE PA 19-57 17b-95 estate recovery (DON'T FORGET, federal law preempts! see also 17b-91(e) 17b-451 Elder Abuse, but see updates in PA 15-236 Title 19a (Public Health) 19a-533 (waiting list rule) 19a-535 (transfer and discharge) ![]() 19a-550 (patient's bill of rights) 19a-570 et seq (Living Wills) historical compilation of Important Public Acts (in addition to those below) PA 09-73 (PDF) permitting residents of RCH to transfer income over the AABD income cap into pooled trust accounts in order to be eligible for AABD PA 10-73 - Sec. 1 NOW REPEALED by PA 11-44 eff 7/1/11 (sec. 178) iincreased community spouse protected amount to "maximum"; Sec. 2 deals with treatment of reverse mortgages, not repealed, but doesn't appear in UPM PA 15-240 adopting the Uniform Power of Attorney Act MODIFIED BY PA 16-40 and further MODIFIED by PA 17-91. N.B. for CBA and and FURTHER CATIC forms, CBA members click here. PA 17-146, revision public health statutes -- see sec. 6 re: DNRs P.A. 17-91 recognizing substitute decision-making documents act and revising CT UPOAA P.A. 18-81: $2.6 M in 2018, $3.6 M in 2019, $5.1 M in 2020, $7.1 M in 2021, $9.1 M in 2022, "not over the federal exclusion amount" in 2023 with the excess subject to 12% CT estate tax. PA 19-57 raises the funeral contract limit to $10,000. PA 19-137 enaced Uniform Trust Code -- amended by PA 21-39 PA 21-3 raised PNA to $75, ELIMINATED REAL ESTATE LIENS with retroactive effect PA 21-2 (SS) -- amends 4a-16, further amends state claims PA 22-112 requires all state agences to honor/comply with probate court orders that the court had jurisdiction to issue, subject to the right of appeal of course(eff 10/1/22) (!!!) PA 22-118 big changes reducing state claims, liens, and recovery, repeals 17b-94 -- see secs 449-458, 518. Sec. 235 raises minimum CSPA to $50,00 eff. 7/1/22. |
LEGISLATION Information on reauthorization of Older Americans Act (including text of relevant provisions) prepared by Center for Social Gerontology) |
FEDERAL TAXES (check also) NOTE: See handy chart with 50 state death tax info (McGuire Woods, kudos!) |
adjusts estate tax exemptions with Public Act 18-81: $2.6 M in 2018, $3.6 M in 2019,
$5.1 M in 2020, $7.1 M in 2021, $9.1 M in 2022, "not
over the federal exclusion amount" in 2023 with the
excess subject to 12% CT estate tax.
(in alphabetical order)
Agency on Aging of South Central CT | The site includes Information about the many programs the Agency provides, including the home care program. |
CT Bar Association Elder Law Section | This page was originally the Section's "links page." Highly recommended: join the CT Bar Association and the Elder Law Section. You will have access to CaseMaker, online legal research, as well as many other resources. For those logged in as members you can somehow find your way to the Groyu Pages including Advocacy information, Meetings and Materials, Educational resources and Links. |
CT Chapter of NAELA | CT NAELA has grown since its formation a few years ago. The website will soon include (probably for members only) copies of fair hearing decisions as well as many other useful resources. Click for news. "Find an elder law attorney" will bring up a list of members. |
This is where you go to find out what is the lien with respect to Medicaid or other benefits, payable upon receipt of an inheritance or personal injury settlement. For liens repaid during lifetime (e.g. on the home), contact DSS. However, for liens relating to care in a state psychiatric institution, contact Tony Nunes at DAS. You can write or fax to: but better is to call first and get someone's NAME and then fax. Fax a release as well. Address: 165 Capitol Avenue Hartford, CT 06106. Bureau of Collection Services: (860) 713-5400. Fax # (860) 713-7408 |
CT Department of Developmental Services | DDS (formerly DMR) site --- not so much "elder law" as special needs (of which more information on Updated with a lot more information and links to programs and even the DDS services manual. |
CT Department of Revenue Services | DRS site has links to forms and a lot of other stuff -- click here for the links above on this page. |
CT Department of Social Services - Don't forget to check Eligibility Info for Husky |
![]() Otherwise, the formerly useful DSS site IMHO is now absolutely TERRIBLE, part of the terrible "CT portal" that instead of sensible pages with sensible links to useful information, starts with a revolting list of "most popular (!) resources," rarely the one you want, and then a menu down the side with hopelessly generic links. If you have to search for something you may not find it as much of the useful information has been removed. For example, if you TRY to find "Protective Services" it will take you 10 minutes. Fortunately I've found it for you, here it is: Protective Services In case they remove it, you can click for MY download of DSS Protective Services brochure (PDF). No more "Aging Services Manual" but you can still get the 2016 version, available online; State Supplement program FAQ and bulletin (but without the eligibility numbers, alas), and other publications. Has locations of field offices but don't file for long-term care there -- click on APPLICATIONS page for address / fax #. The DSS publication "Long-Term Care Issues and Medicaid" is only current to 2013 and presumably not getting updated. Click for Husky eligibility whether Husky A, B, or C (traditional) or D (low income). To apply for Husky D you generally need to go to AccessHealth and apply there. Link here for general application information. ![]() PROTECTIVE SERVICES: To report cases of suspected abuse, neglect or exploitation, call the toll-free In State referral line at 1-888-385-4225, Out of State call Infoline at 1-800-203-1234. After Hours Elder Abuse Emergencies, In State call Infoline at 211, Out of State call Infoline at 1-800-203-1234. (I'm tired of the State changing the location for this information on its website!) |
The Connecticut Elder Law website ( | Consumer-oriented site on Connecticut Elder Law topics. Maintained by Connecticut Legal Services with support from the ABA, the Eastern Connecticut Area Agency on Aging and the CHOICES program. Now part of the Legal Services Network "ctlawhelp" site with information on all kinds of topics. Direct link to Goverment Benefit Information page. |
CT Hospice | Includes information on inpatient and home care hospice services. |
CT Office of the Health Care Advocate | "The office focuses
on: assisting consumers to make informed decisions when
selecting a health plan; assisting consumers in resolving
problems with their health plans, and; identifying and
advocating on issues, trends and problems that may
require executive, regulatory or legislative
intervention." Access: 1-866-HMO-4446, FAX: (860)
297-3992 E-mail: |
CT Insurance Department | Has pages
detailing Medicare supplemental policy rates (PDF)in Connecticut; page listing companies that offer them; page with list of
companies offering LTC policies including CT Partnership policies;
article on mental health benefits in CT; and compilation of insurance regulations.![]() |
CT Legislative Commission on Aging | Includes tracking reports and other legislative updates. Sign up for e-bulletins. |
CT Long-Term Care Ombudsman's office | CT's long-term care ombudsman talks about advocacy volunteers and fundraising. CTlawhelp page with phone numbers. |
CT Partnership for Long Term Care | Thank you David Guttchen for continuing to have (relatively) easy to find and USEFUL information. Keep clicking to the OPM pages that have the good stuff. More complete than the Insurance Department site; includes a wealth of statistical information on costs of long-term care, a summary of Medicare eligibility limits for long-term care. Links to OPM "Cost of Care in Connecticut" (PDF) (change year in URL to get current year info); has prices for each nursing home AND home health agency in the state. |
CT Public Health Dept. | USED TO includes page with Public Health Code and regulations. As usual with the rest of the horrible CT portal you can't find everything easily anymore but can search. You can write to the department for their annual review of nursing homes and home health agencies, or download the nursing home book. (PDF) The catch: the info is current only to 2011-2012. You can still check on licensure (SNF or RCH?) at |
CT Rental Assistance programs | RAP regulations: 17b-812-6, 17b-812-9 and 17b-812-11a. |
CT State Homepage | Official
state page with connections to all branches of state
government Includes ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
CT State Treasurer | "Name it and claim it" site |
Funeral Consumer Alliance of Connecticut | Nonprofit group that surveys funeral homes and provides price information. Order their funeral home survey. |
Husky Health | Click for eligibility criteria for all types of Medicaid: Husky A/B (children and caregivers; not asset-tested); C (aged, blind, disabled, asset-tested, but includes S05 for working disabled); and D (low-income adult 19-65 without dependent children). Link to manual of covered services for husky A,C,D. Remember that Husky B (for caregivers of children) has been limited. |
Infoline | We all know this but often forget. Has all kinds of information about subsidized housing etc. | | New website intended to be "user friendly" and a one-stop place to get information about all sorts of programs and resources. Of course the trouble with this is that it tends to have superficial information. For instance links to elderly housing bring up a google-maps linked 12-page list on (Infoline) with links to each place suggesting that a person would have to contact all of them one by one to find out if there were any openings....... |
PLAN of Connecticut | Nonprofit organization that will handle small special needs trusts and operates CT's only "pooled" trust under 42 USC sec. 1396p(d)(4)(c). Annual $100 membership for lawyers. They now have SOME of the essential pooled trust plan forms online; member attorneys can log in for the other forms. |
Reverse Mortgage Info | Low-interest Connecticut-funded CHFA reverse annuity mortgage website info -- has fees ($1,500) rate (7%) and instructions on applying. (Check AARP site for more on commercial mortgages) Try this link for a confidential calculator. | - disability | HELPLINKS page has legal and non-legal links relating
of interest to the disabled SSATTY page has listing of private practitioners who handle Social Security claims and appeals | - elder | Page with non-legal links to care providers and related services |
(in alphabetical order)
AARP (formerly the American Association of Retired Persons) | Alas, alas, the "mobile friendly" revolution has come to AARP. Well, a few old links seem to work; try this one on reverse mortgages. Still seems to have the report on caregivng in the US but forget about finding reverse mortgage info. If you want a calculator for reverse mortgages try THIS instead. There are public policy links to a fact sheet on Connecticut. |
ABA Center for Professional Responsibility - Model Rules | Although Connecticut's Rules of Professional Conduct have not yet been amended to reflect the most recent changes to the ABA rules, and so do not have the force of law, they are an important resource for Connecticut elder law attorneys. |
ABA Commission on Law and Aging | Includes listing of section publications; offers free e-mail subscriptions. View articles from Bifocal, the Section's newsletter, order relevant Section publications, and download publications. |
Administration on Aging (AoA): renamed Administration for Community Living | The AoA funds caregiver support programs and many other programs for the elderly. The site includes links to local agencies, other resources, and compilations of general and statistical materials. The "Elder Care Locator" is here. |
ACTEC | American College of Trusts and Estates Counsel. No, this is not only for those who plan for the 8-figure estate set. Includes the highly-regarded ACTEC Commentaries on the ABA rules of professional conduct, a state-by-state index on death taxes, and more. You can buy a Quicken-compatible fiduciary accounting template, too |
Americans with Disabilities Act site | U.S. Dept. of Justice site, including technical assistance manuals. |
Annuityshopper | Now part of,this location has an immediate download of an annuity checklist and a no-contact location for getting a quick estimate of annuity costs. Commercial site - there are probably others. |
Center for Medicare Advocacy | Includes information on Medicare, e-mail link to request the Centers printed materials, a "quick screen" to identify potential Medicare coverage, articles on Medicare+Choice, and a useful chart of the various supplemental policy provisions and summary of gaps in coverage. Redesigned; the "hover buttons" mostly gone -- harder to nagvigate however. |
Consumer Consortium on Assisted Living | "Consumer-focused advocacy organization devoted to the needs and rights of assisted living residents." Previously sold a checklist for evaluating assisted living facilities; steps for evaluation can be found on older versions of the site such as this: And on an even older version of the site is a FREE useful checklist. |
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau | The CFPB is actively looking into consumer protection when it comes to the contracts etc. regarding nursing homes. To file a complaint, contact Beverly Yang, Older Americans Policy Analyst, at (202) 384-4437 or via email or file a complaint at: or call 800-411-2372. Resources for seniors |
Consumer Reports | Periodic consumer information on nursing homes, long-term care insurance, etc. Clients often mention Consumer Reports articles. | | Labyrinthine and comprehensive site created by was created by CPA Karen Stevenson Brown, also a long-term care consultant. Look here when you can't find it. Includes "links to information on legal, financial, medical, and housing issues, as well as policy, research, and statistics." |
End of Life Options pages | Thanks to the wonders of the "Wayback machine," this useful article from Dickinson College is still available. Includes summaries of the perspectives from numerous different religions on artificial nutrition and hydration issues as well as medical and ethical discussions. No longer online at Dickinson -- perhaps being updated? we can hope. |
Families USA | Families USA offers free subscriptions to e-mail newsletters and policy alerts in four areas - Medicaid, managed care, children's health, and all health care issues. Direct e-mail link to your congressperson to send messages on pending legislation. A valuable site for those involved in advocacy. |
Fedlaw site. Or see | This is now located in "The Center for Regulatory Effectiveness." Federal government site reference center. Links to the U. S. Supreme Court, all Federal Circuits, and many District Court opinions, etc. |
FirstGov for
Seniors (formerly Access America for Seniors) (on |
No longer seems to exist!! WHAT HAPPENED? originally developed as a cooperative effort under the aegis of the National Partnership for Reinventing Government and maintained by the Social Security Administration, this site once provided access to government services and information covering a wide range of issues (from Social Security to travel tips). |
Health Information & the Law | A project of the George Washington University's Hirsh Health Law and Policy Program and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, this appears to be a successro to the Health Privacy Project, where I once found the links for HIPAA (large PDF) and the HIPAA regulations although no longer linked from this site! (Also see the DHHS FAQ in Q&A format). State by state summaries: The site allows you to click on a state and then see summaries of the laws on various topics including e.g. health information privacy law. |
Health Resources and Services Administration, U.S. Dept. Health and Human Services | Lists the annual poverty guidelines used to measure eligibility for many programs. |
U.S. Dept. Health and Human Services ( | Links to recent "briefings" on Medicaid eligibility policies from DHHS Office of Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation, April 2005; provided courtesy of Christine I Andrew, Esq., of the Connecticut Alzheimers Association. |
H.E.L.P. | Non-profit organization located in Southern California offers useful "consumer-oriented" pamphlets and newsletter items suitable for clients. Also includes "Your Way," a guide to help older adults and families communicate about medical treatment desires, values, etc. |
HUD | Information on Section 8 / elderly housing: Housing Choice Voucher Program Guidebook with separate links to separate chapters in PDF, e.g. eligibility. Seems very vague as compared to 2013 manual that is also on the site. Links to current income limits. Income limits (PDF) See: 24 C.F.R. Part 5 Subpart F (replacing prior regulations). Statutory authority: 42 U.S.C. 1437f. Page with updates: | | Easy-to-read summaries of insurance laws in all 50 states, plus explanations of HIPAA, COBRA rights, etc., with ample links to local sources of information. |
![]() |
Consumer-oriented site that gives a comprehensive look at long-term care planning, from LTCI to Medicaid planning, with links to vendors of assisted living. Written by a CLU. Now owned by National Care Planning Council | | Includes "Nursing home compare"
information page.
This is also the place to find those elusive ![]() ![]() |
Medicare Rights Center | National, not-for-profit organization located in New York City; site offers direct assistance for Medicare beneficiaries and on-line versions of brochures (some bilingual). Site now has an excellent interactive guide through Medicare copays, deductibles, and coverage information. |
National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys (NAELA) | Includes
fill-in form for members to sign up for participation in
NAELA's unmoderated e-mail mailing list. Whether or
not members participate, they can review listserve
archives through NAELA's members only page. Members are
also entitled to a template-style website for $25/year,
available to the public through the popular "Need an
elder law attorney?" link. NAELA ![]() |
National Association of State Medicaid Directors | Contains a map on which you click to find the "medicaid agency" website for each state, and other publications |
National Citizens Coalition for Nursing Home Reform (NCCNHR), now "National Consumer Voice for Quality Long-Term Care" | Nonprofit group that advocates for nursing home reform. Site includes address/telephone information for ombudsmen in all 50 states. Useful fact sheets such as the ones on quality care. No longer seems to offer Nursing Homes: Getting Good Care There, but there are copies on Amazon. The old NCCNHR site HAD a really useful "advance directive" for quality care which yours truly has restored to you, courtesy of the wayback machine. Things like what music you want in your room if you are ill / dying, what irritates you, and so on. |
National Council on Aging | A national nonprofit advocacy group. Includes information about long-term care insurance, Medicare, Medicaid and Medigap insurance and a list of publications for sale. |
National Health Law Project (NHeLP) now | "30 Years of Working for Justice in Health Care for Low Income People." Includes detailed analysis of current and proposed legislation.Offers a free e-mail subscriptions for publishing information on current issues. |
National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization | ![]() |
National Organization of Social Security Claimants' Representatives (NOSSCR) | National support organization for attorneys specializing in Social Security disability law. Includes basic information on the law and the organization. Purchase the "Listing of Impairments for Adults, Listing of Impairments for Children, and the Medical-Vocational Guidelines (Grids)." Some materials are available only to members. |
National Reverse Mortgage Lenders' Association | Only reverse mortgage site I could find that has a confidential "calculator" of what can be obtained by a reverse mortgage without asking for name and phone. Even breaks out ALL the fees and costs. Site says: "NRMLA membership requires signing and adhering to a Code of Ethics and Professional Responsibility that commits all members, whatever their role in the process, to performing their jobs with integrity and empathy. We encourage members to look at their presentation to consumers as if they are sitting on the other side of the kitchen table." |
National Senior Citizens Law Center (NSCLC) (now Justice in Aging) | NSCLC, now Justice in Aging, advocates nationwide on behalf of low-income elderly individuals and persons with disabilities. Includes articles and legal documents on many of these topics. |
Office of Disability, Aging and Long-Term Care Policy | Component of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Includes numerous surveys, studies, and analysis on health care, Medicare, Medicaid, and Managed Care. |
Savings Bonds (TreasuryDirect) | Treasury Dept. site for determining current value of US savings bonds |
Social Security Administration | Includes Social Security Handbook, benefit calculator, entire Social Security Act, SSA forms, subscribe to a newsletter. See also "Understanding SSI." | | Site of T&E lawyer Noel Ice -- contains Noel's unique and frank (!) commentaries on the retirement distribution regulations, hyperlinked -- invaluable. (Scroll down to the bottom of the page) |
Veterans Administration | Includes information on all benefits programs; download VA life insurance forms, Form 21-526 by which a single veteran can get an additional $90 excluded from applied income when on Medicaid; Form 21-534 for a widow. |
since October 6, 2006